в Голландии освободили из-под стражи подозреваемого члена "Аль-Кайды"
Подозреваемый член "Аль-Кайды" освобожден в Нидерландах из-под стражи за недостатком доказательств. об, этом, как передает АР, сообщил во вторник представитель прокуратуры.
The man was set free Monday, three days after anti-terror squads conducted pre-dawn raids in five Dutch cities, detaining 12 people on a tip from the National Intelligence Service. With the announcement, five have now been released and seven others remain in custody. The operation was the largest in the Netherlands since the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington. Investigators are trying to determine if some of the men were involved in prior terrorist attacks. The suspects, whose identities weren't released, are believed to have helped finance al-Qaida and recruit fighters for Osama bin Laden's network. They all had fake passports, prosecutors said, and came from different Arabic-speaking countries. The National Intelligence Service opened an investigation into the recruitment of extremists in the Netherlands after two Dutchmen of Moroccan origin were killed in Kashmir in what Indian authorities say was a botched suicide mission.