Взрыв бомбы в Кабуле: 3 ранено
A bomb exploded in an abandoned building in Afghanistan's capital late Thursday, wounding three people including a child, police said. The blast occurred in an abandoned residence in the city center at about 8 p.m., police chief Abdul Basyr Salangi said. The child was wounded when the two-pound device sent debris from the ruined house hurtling in several directions, Salangi said. The child lived nearby. Police at the scene refused to let Associated Press reporters visit the site. They said the bomb exploded in the house's empty basement, wounding three people from a single family next door. All three were being treated at a hospital, the police said. The explosion follows a similar blast on Sunday night when a small bomb exploded in a drainage ditch in front of a U.N. guesthouse, injuring two Afghan civilians. Later that night, a second explosion between two abandoned buildings near Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel caused no injuries. An explosion Aug. 15 damaged a storm drain and broke windows but caused no injuries at the Afghan Telecommunications Ministry building in the heart of the capital. The week before that, a small bomb exploded on a third-floor cinema near the presidential palace. The theater was vacant at the time. Security in the Afghan capital has been stepped up since the assassination of Vice President Abdul Qadir on July 6 and the interception of a car bomb near the U.S. Embassy last month. No arrests have been reported in connection with the recent bombings, though Afghan police did report discovering a bomb-making lab Saturday. An U.N.-sanctioned international force, along with pro-American Afghan troops, are responsible for security in Kabul. They are frequently seen on the city's streets, patrolling in armored cars and green Jeeps. Copyright 2002 The Associated Press.