Орбитальный телескоп WISE получил "первый свет"

Длительная экспозиция в инфракрасных лучах гигантского газопылевого облака (L1448) демонстрирует структуры, которые остаются невидимыми в оптическом диапазоне. Изображение J.Foster and A.Goodman, CfA
Орбитальный инфракрасный телескоп WISE, запущенный в космос 14 декабря 2009 года, сделал первый снимок звездного неба. Снимок покрывает область в созвездии Киля, по площади равную примерно трем дискам полной Луны.
interesno, eto imeet otnoshenie k poisku novyh korichnevyh karlikov?
Спалился. Теперь мы сможем найти звезду Хули-Вдули.
For Eesti
It is expected that wide-angle infrared telescope Research »(Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - WISE) will perform at day 15 revolutions around the Earth at an altitude of approximately 500 kilometers by scanning the sky at four infrared wavelengths, and making about 8 thousand pictures a day..WISE will also search for brown dwarfs, almost invisible to optical telescopes. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/wise/facts.cfm http://www.carnegieinstitution.org/News4-3,2001.html
WISE launched Monday at 9:09 a.m. ET aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The launch was postponed from Friday because of a problem with the motion of a booster steering engine.
Launch Vehicle Type
The visibility of Vandenberg launches varies with the type of launch vehicle and is the result of the type of propellant used and the amount burned during a given unit of time.
Pound for pound, solid fuel radiates much more light when it burns than does liquid fuel. When solid fuel burns, it is so bright it resembles a road flare. Solid fuel also produces a continuous smoke trail during the entire burn time. Liquid fuel engines, however, produce a much fainter flame. It can be so faint that it is almost invisible in daylight. Unlike solid fuel rocket motors, liquid fuel engines do not continuously produce a smoke trail. Instead, they briefly leave a vapor trail when they pass through the stratosphere between 33,000 to 38,000 feet (10,058 to 11,582 M).
The amount of propellant burned during a given unit of time varies with the launch vehicle. For example, the Minuteman III and the now retired Peacekeeper both burned solid fuel, but Peacekeeper launches were more visible because the vehicle burns more fuel per unit of time.
The rockets and missiles launched from Vandenberg AFB use solid fuel rocket motors, liquid fuel engines, or a combination of both. The visibility of the various vehicles are ranked as follows:
Visibility Vehicle Comments
Greatest Delta II Ranking only applies to the first stage burn of a Delta II using nine solid rocket motors
--- Minuteman II and III, Athena, Taurus The now retired Peacekeeper was included in this group
Least Pegasus XL Can be spectacular if the lighting is correct
"WISE will also search for brown dwarfs"
Pointy, thanks!
It was not difficult to guess, anyway. -)
For Eesti
Well, first it was planned the observatory designed to assist in compiling the catalog of dark celestial bodies, was scheduled to bring into space on December 11. However, the audit before the start of the launch vehicle systems, "Delta-2" at Vandenberg Air Force Base were found defects in the engine of the accelerator. On their removal took time
More WISE's sensors will pick up dark - and potentially threatening - near-Earth objects, like asteroids. The satellite will see the rings of dust around young stars of which suggest that eventually build into planets like ours. Colliding galaxies, which are shrouded in dust, will also be visible. And of course brown dwarfs (which are mentioned in references), which it is now assumed to be more numerous than light-emitting stars in our galaxy, will be revealed.
Esti, вы его понимаете? Для тех кто не понял Poinofnoreturn, перевожу с его языка "Понтиш"
However, the audit before the start of the launch vehicle systems, "Delta-2" at Vandenberg Air Force Base were found defects in the engine of the accelerator. On their removal took timeНо сначала то, как любой носитель английского языка услышал бы и понял вышесказанное:Однако, финансовая ревизия перед стартом систем ракеты носителя "Дельта-2" на базе Vandenberg Air Force были найдены дефекты в двигателе ускорителя. К ним удаление потребовалось время.Короче, они бы были сильно озадачены. Какая "финансовая проверка" (аудит) ракеты? Перед "началом" (старт) чего? Кто нашёл дефекты? Куда и что их "убрали"? Совешенно не правильный выбор слов.Очевидно Понт (это у меня для него такое прозвище) пытался перевести на английский следующее:Однако техническая проверка систем ракеты-носителя "Дельта-2" перед стартом выявила дефекты в двигателе ускорителя. На их устранение потребовалось времяЧто на нормальном английском должно выглядеть примерно так:However, the launch vehicle "Delta-2" systems check at Vandenberg Air Force Base before the launching found defects in the engine of the accelerator. Their repair took timePS.Как народ терпит этого пиздобола Понта? Я ведь ему говорил не писать больше на его "английском"! У этого парня поехала крыша и он вообразил себе, что он урождённый американец, учёный физик (наверное Станфорд зскончил), и теперь должен писать только на английском. Но английский, судя по его текстам, он видел только в статьях научных журналов по физике, которые он бы исправить все его ошибки (а они есть в каждом втором его предложении), только вот время-деньги. Ну ничего, помаленьку я это дело дожму...
последний абзац вышерасположенного комментария был "скомкан" при редактировании, должно быть так:
....Но английский, судя по его текстам, он видел только в статьях научных журналов по физике, которые он листал по месту своей работы лаборантом.Cейчас он начнёт меня упрекать в моем плохом знании английского. Как это было вот здесь:https://graniru.org/Society/Science/d.172761.html#comment_2611430
brown dwarfs (which are mentioned in references)
links dont pass. Sorry . I'll still try to send again http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/news/ http://arxiv.org/ftp/astro-ph/papers/0608/0608417.pdf
For Dromeo
I understand that u are quite vain and, of course, dont blame u for that.But for everyone (including u) will be better if u stop to pose as to who u are not.If a person confessed that he did not speak English (ie, u've already admitted that u dont know foreign languages (and, alas, it is not imagined to me)) and have never been strong in the exact sciences (ie, u hardly know in what u write), he(or she) looks very silly ,if he talks about is not entirely clear to him the things in the language he is almost incomprehensible ,so stop showing off.
To sibilline scratch-cat Pointless.
I think you need a bite of the reality sandwich :)))
By the way I'm coming into this with an open kimono.
With great :)respect
Apollo Dromos Musaget
Thank u Dromos Musagetes, I'll also treat with respect ;-))))to u
Мусорогету- любимцу Рубинштейна-модератора, бесполезно говорить
Eesti, sorry, but in this case, u are wrong, I know that neither Mr. Borisov, nor Mr. Rubenstein are not moderators.Even I know that they dont give preference to anyone ... Mr Rubinstein does not like the gang !!!!Well, with respect to our neighbor in the forum, the point of no return for him is not passed, that is, sometimes it can behave more or less decent, well among his goddam team can find a lot worse than him.I hope u understand me correctly, I'm not talking about compromise.Но он хоть на человека иногда бывает похож.Есть ещё новый Витяня, с человеческой точки зрения он ничего...And so u are right in the main it is human stuff (at least 95% of them are dirty, unprincipled brute, who buck).
well, sometimes he resembles a kind of human being...
regarding, mr. rubinstejn, i am not sure you're right. I would be sorry to blame him wrongly.
I know that neither Mr. Borisov, nor Mr. Rubenstein are not moderators
Если пишешь "neither...nor", то не должно быть "no" после "are". "...that is, sometimes it can behave more or less decent, well among his goddam team can find a lot worse than him.""it can behave"-почему "it" а не "he"? "among his goddam team can find"-who can find?Короче, ты так ничего и не понял. Ну, ты осёл, блин, редкостный.
Пиши либо на русском либо на английском (но меньше)
Догадайся по чему?
Пиши либо на русском либо на английском (но меньше)
Sacramento, then I will not understand, honestly.Why not?
Hey, privet! It was for eesti,
no disrespect as you can judge:) Long discussions commments should be taged, as for example: 4 baryon, or something like that.
Hey, privet! It was for eesti, no disrespect as you can judge:)
Clearly ;-))))
RE: Понт: Clearly-)))
Cлова CLEARLY в английском языке, и литературном и бытовом, просто нет (проверь в своем транслэйторе). И прилагательное "ясный, чистый", и наречие "ясно, чисто", и глагол "расчищать" и т.п.- имеют написание CLEAR. И только так! Никаких -ly. Но в языке ПОНТИШ, на котором ты пишешь, оно, конечно да, есть. Нет Понт, твои "понты" могут быть поняты только мной, сакраменто и Ести, но в Америке все бы от тебя отмахивались как от назойливой мухи: "I can not understand what you are saying". Тебе следовало сказать что-нибуль вроде: "It is clear now", or "I see", or "I got it" Понт, даже в предложении из одного слова ты не можешь не сделать ошибку. Ну ты ващЕ! "Понтистый" по форме, беспонтовый по содержанию.....
if he talks about is not entirely clear to him the things in the language he is almost incomprehensible ,so stop showing off
I dont think u'll be able to fix it ... I was not supposed to start again with u this game, just ...
about the things is not entirely clear to him in the language he is almost incomprehensible ,so stop showing off. ;-)))))But the last remark, though it too is pinned, applies to u
I call his posts in Russian "блудословие".
Do you have an English equivalent for that?
Do you have an English equivalent for that?
No, I dont remember such an equivalent, although it may be a slaver...
Dromeo Forgive me for this ;-)))))
Well, he copied it from somewhere without thinking and it's obvious ... Therefore, it is comprehended.Apparently he does not know foreign languages...But even if he would write in his native language, this text would still not enough to associativity.
When I promised that I will not hunt for him, it does not mean that I will not moan at him if I want this ;-))))).Becoming gang he had already volunteered for the role of a clown....I just would not beat him hurt ;-))))))
09, 2010 09:55-This post was addressed to Mr. Eesti, but it is about a third visitor except us.The visitor is called Mr. Dromeo. ;-))))
To Diamond-point
Who knows, is it Point or is it a troll? I can't understand why Point would keep pulling it, it's not staying up long enough for anything offensive to be posted. Class-less and davetherave are not about, so it's all a bit of mystery:-=)You didn't like classical English.You didn't like office slang ! Damen ! What do you like? Probably you ilke a jaunting-car or a levity finger language?
U 're wrong, I love the classic English but for some reason it is very difficult to adapt, well, for example, to this forum but for some reason it is very difficult to adapt, well, for example, to this forum ( There is, generally fits most of the post in Russian, the rules of both languages are mixed up,in Russian-speaking Internet resource) ...It is necessary to add that the classic is a very relative concept, I love Lewis Carroll, sure u read his novel "Alice Through the Looking Glass";", but there is a curious quatrain (or more precisely a poem), which is called "Jabberwocky".More precisely, it is a poem of nonsense verse... Well, there are words not translated from English into English, and offers built on generally accepted rules in this poem (or more precisely in the first few lines of the quatrains)....Well, what else, I often like something to borrow from Russian (for example), I really very bad linguist, it does not work immediately and smoothly;-)))) and it's just like as a hobby and nothing more(еven less than that, just intellectual naughtiness)Also, I talk(and read) to a lot better than I write ,but with the scientific and popular scientific articles, I can be very few problems (and I'm not boasting) .........(Ладно , мне про меня постить не интересно, Forgive-Russian language for such speed is more suitable, Americans and British would understand me if I would write it in English this proposal, at the very least asked to be small refinements.And there anyone else necessarily would have decided that this proposal is ungrammatical)....
I also scattered as the devil knows who
I also scattered as the devil knows who....Here's an example that
There are, generally fits most of the posts in Russian, the rules of both languages are mixed up,in Russian-speaking Internet resource That is not:- There is,generally fits most of the post in Russian, the rules of both languages are mixed up,in Russian-speaking Internet resource ....
Что это за необычный такой язык "Понтиш"?
Это "смесь английскогo с нижегородским", на которой изъясняется pointofnoreturn.
А ответьте-ka по-русски, любезный,
не впечатляют ли вас семимильные шаги американской науки?
Вы то по-англиски,то- по арамейски, а Штаты пока идут вперед.
Не правда ли?
The original russian word is "slovobludie" (I don't know English equivalent of that either)
блудословие is made up by me to designate Musoroget's posts. lol
What do you know besides LOL? YOU ARE PPIMITIVE LOSER :)))
you're just primitive.
English version, which is close in meaning to «словоблудие» will look like the «word fornication».So, we both were wrong and it is not so unique....
Esti, ну ты нашёл у кого спрашивать!
Ты что, тоже купился на понты "беспонтового Понта"? Нашёл, блин профессора английского! He is such a dweeb! У них в эЛ-эЙе такого слова не употребляют. Понт специалист в так называемом Pontish English.А "блудословие" по-английски будет fucking BS.
http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/davy/ARCHIVE/index.shtml Well Mr. Dromeo, I will not bite u ;-)))
http://www.spaceref.ca/news/viewpr.html?pid=12596 http://www.gemini.edu/index.php?q=node/232
I was not supposed to start again with u this game, just even I dont understand why I wanted to do it again ;-)))))
Save your time, pointy.
Not pretend that u just guessed. ;-)))
Thanks for the advice.I just collect lucky numbers ;-))))
Pointy, let's go off topic: how do you like my happy new year poem about Russia
Пришёл он в Россию, новенький год,
пришёл под гулянье народа,
но снова по телеку - прежний урод,
и снова попрана Свобода.
And this one?
Отечество Русское славно насилием,
ложью, жестокостью славно оно,
кровью чеченскою славится бестия,
- скоро концу наступить суждено.
Не будет ни Путина, не будет Медведева,
свободный в Россию придет человек,
и памятью страшной, о злобной империи,
проклянут Россию потомки навек.
Nadejus, dlja estonca ne tak ploho.
кровью чеченскою славится бестия,
???? And what???
How about Elsin? First war, ...?
was it not russia?
was it Clinton or Eltcin? Make up your mind my fried.
for the purpose of the poetry above it is expressed clear an precise enough,
isn't it?
Может быть. хотя смотря какой стих брать
dear Eesti.I hope that my score would not hurt u
This is a good poem, only for the poem is too short, that it is similar to a poetry.But shorter than it can say:" am GOOD Morning Ass ,New Year's Eve "
sure, it is just a small poetry.
Можно я Вас немного поругаю Эсти?
What had u really in mind when u said "not bad for Estonians"?To hell with it....Your talents are obvious to me.
Что до стихотворения,то название "Прощай немытая Россия" уже занято,да и ,надеюсь здесь тоже н обидитесь,впрочем может быть я недостаточно хорошо в этом смыслю,но ваше стихотворение конечно(ну наверно) хуже,чем "Прощай немытая Россия",но в целом ничего .Но не ждал,что Вы пишете стихи...
поинтофноретурн: хром маркс ме вис вэй:)
it was
"not bad for an Estonian".
nu konechno huzhe ... dazhe i sravnivat' stydno.
tam - poezija, a u menja - plakat. lol
Привет one more time pointofnoreturn.
Кстати клички давать себе дороже. Вот eesti сказал мне что он дал baryon бесцветный, ну так и хрен найдёшь его по этой кличке, только как и есть, baryon.
А стихи я не умею, есть такая любимая группа называется АГАТА КРИСТИ. Там, говорят ребята, из кремля тоже пишет некоторый человек, "сурков?" Пофигу:)
нет, пойнти, я не пишу, но от излишне долгого околачивания на русском форуме они вдруг появляются.
в ступор
околачивания на русском форуме они вдруг появляются
Yeah, but I was already beginning to think that Eesti became a poet, and Dromeo became a technocrat;-))))
a vot i zabanili, za popytku protivodejstvovat fluderu musagetu v teme piontkovskogo
etimi stishkami
Всё у Муси невпопад -
то ли перед, то ли зад,
мыслей Муси испражнения -
тому факту подтверждения.
A vot eto i vovse stiralos' s foruma raz desjat'.
"Особый путь России"
Ответ Ф. Тютчеву.
Один параноик другому сказал
державую песнь шовинизма,
а время прошло - в россии настал
кровавый век сталинизма.
Россия блудила "особым путём"
опричнины, царской охранки,
закончив - в подвале Лубянки.
O kak!
i_snova-Eesti tozhe byl segodnja zabanen. Za pohvaly Mak Kejnu i stishki pro fludera Musageta.
Mr. Rubinstein segodnja razvjazal nastojasshij terror protiv menja udaleniem postov i mnogokratnymi banami.
Надо писать так:
I should not start this game with you again, I just do not even understand why I wanted to do it again. Очень неуклюжее предложение даже после моей редакции. Много лишних слов, два "again", гле надо и не надо- just... В США так не говорят, даже учёные, не говоря уж о бездомных бродягах. Вот это: "I should not go for this game with you again, I just do not understand why I wanted it."- куда ближе к тому, как говорят американцы. "I was not supposed..."-в этом случае не совсем подходит, у него другой оттенок, ты Понт не чувствуешь ньюансов этого языка, или просто используешь электронный словарь, который конечно же их не понимает. По русски у тебя получается безупречно. Это всё таки твой родной язык. А твой т. н. "английский" очень плохой. Попади ты в США, ты бы там пачку сигарет не смог купить в "Севен-Илевене". Продавец бы не понял у тебя ничего кроме слова "just". PS. Представляю какой у тебя ужасный акцент, когда ты свою хрень на якобы "английском" пытаешься озвучивать.
Sure, how could I guess it,
that brown dwarfs radiate in infrared. -)
But shorter than it can say: "am GOOD Morning Ass, New Year's Eve", I meant that this poem can be called, not because it was bad, but because it is about the ass .....But u as the author certainly can choose another name ;-)))) Example Down Ass
And here is one example of my carelessness
Таких вот "ошибок" у любого человека может быть много...Sorry, I should say so.Immigrants and children of immigrants, have no reasons for developing a complex in front of WASPs, moreover, that the descendants of immigrants, just as are native-born Americans, as WASPs. Ну и дальше что ? Это ничего никому не доказывает
Sorry, u could not correct me in this case, the more that u could not even do that. This proposal could be considered awkward only if u had not dug it out of the conversation
I was not supposed to start again with u this game, just even I dont understand why I wanted to do it again .. Нет я буду не общатьс , а что-то демострировать, мило, но не мой стиль , пардон. Смотрю, что уже не к чему было придраться ? ;-)))) Люди всегда вначале переспрашивают, а потом делают свои предложения, чаще всего в реале я так и поступаю ... Ну вот, что одиново в равной степени можно сказать :
And well, if I was concerned about astronomy, it is only in childhood, as an amateur;-)))
and And well, if I was concerned about astronomy, but only in childhood, as an amateur;-)))).Знаешь английский не был бы так распространён, как он распространён сегодня , если бы все следовали бы твоим советам и нативно англоязычные были бы придирчивы, как к себя , так и к иностранцам. Да и интересный у теб подход, через лупу ищешь ошибки- смешно....
Forgive me please. I foresee ur screams.
I'm tired of repeating that u dont let ur gently and properly speaking not the most intelligent advice, especially when no one asks u about it. Ну а мешать русский текст с английским и русским латиницей-это Эсти стиль, Эсти отлично знает английский и русский. Но этот стиль его ;-)))), не мой...
And as far as I remember, this are the British rock band Pink Floyd and the Rolling Stones . Вот такие помарки и делают меня в твоих глазах непонятно кем, ну что ?....I am not without sin I am not without sin. I am not without sin I am not without sin. But if a person is scattered, it does not mean that he is not literate.Ну вообще-то я принадлежу к числу тех людей, которым легче передавать свои мысли устно. Я гораздо лучше говорю, чем пишу. There are exceptions here as «Neither he nor she are not sponsors» true in this case «neiter ... nor» is not a denial, but rather a strengthening of negation. Well, to me that in grammar guides to climb, the grammar I learned a long time. Another warning, I'm not sure that getting through ur logic, I am convinced that we're all odd differently perceive ... even imagine, I never aspired to perfection when just informally used the native language. Actually, I had long ceased to strive for a perfection .I don't want to confuse u, so I'll give u such a scheme. It is usually helpful for English-speaking foreigners to learn, languages such as Russian, where a double negation are used much more frequently. Well, such a scheme ("neither he nor she, they both are not ...", this is the original and the translation will sound awkward, so the expression "they both fall"), u should be clear now. My good fellow, better get down to brass tacks; that people just would not do in USA (as in any other English-speaking country of our world), imagine that so many English speakers( especially «by birth»), would be unlikely to construct sentences based strictly on the scheme proposed by u. Аnd yet, Imagine urself how horrible it, even well-educated people make terrible grammatical mistakes that could embarrass the boy who studied language in « some sort of Ryazan », as u 're... And nothing terrible and not funny about the fact that someone is not above the level of provisions, even if this person is a native-born citizen of the English-speaking country, no one is immune from mistakes anyway. If u persuaded otherwise, it means u warmly cheated. … . There are many varieties of English, and a lot of rules that allow to write. All these varieties of English in the U.S., as well as in any other English speaking countries have the same right to exist very long ago. There we did not find fault to anybody about this,and a «native» does not mean "perfect" or “ideal”, in this case.There are tongue-tied men … And some people are terribly scattered so what. This is as true as the fact that nobody could just see the difference between immigrants and nee Americans for some "supposedly" typical errors. Everyone has always expressed his thoughts, just as he sees fit (as God laid it on the soul) , Ie often happens that a native-born betrays his thoughts in a vague and not a particularly clear when trying to write something, but some immigrants (or foreigners) dont admit mistakes, so that dont sut out the nonsense about articles;-)))). - But with the possibility of many Americans, as well as the British and Australians are not averse to experiment with English and therefore, such proposals appear and sometimes widely used, that are unthinkable in terms of English grammar: «He does know nothing» (as an example), although of course it would be better to say: - «He does not know a thing» … Ie born Americans would not have to even understand this is a very strange proposal on the idea ,because there is in addition «He does not know a thing» «He doesn't know a fucking thing».Usually the incorrect expressions are rarely used, at least when there are several correct. Especially foreigners tap rarely try to use the proposals, which they seem strange ."I'll suggest two valid options are used not only to foreigners for the overall development: He don't know a thing / Or He don't know a faking thing. How have u been capable of translating classics from English into Russian, if u dont know about it?..I'm sorry, but I see that u 're familiar with only one such «improper sentence» with a double negative, of course, from the point of view of grammar is very wrong, but believe me, these sentences , which are ugly, in terms of grammar, much more than one.... Ну а насчёт Эсти , он просто намнго сильнее тебя в этом вопросе.That's right, the word "clear" is used as often as u like and the word "moron", or if there were more properly, calling the cause, it is because these words are too many aliases. Я однажды забыл слово слово «придурок» как назло. По русски это слово очень намного смешнее звучит , но это я отвлёкся, определение слова «придурок», на свой счёт не записывай, будь другом.
CLEARLY-это я тебе уже объяснил , можешь не использовать, но не доказывай , что этого слова нет!
I was accused of negligence rightly so.
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