новость В США умер изобретатель нейтронной бомбы

Сэмьюэл Коэн. Фото New York Times

Сэмьюэл Коэн. Фото New York Times

В США в своем доме в Лос-Анджелесе скончался физик Сэмьюэл Коэн, известный как создатель нейтронной бомбы. Коэну было 89 лет. Первые испытания оружия, призванного уничтожать живую силу противника, не затрагивая инфраструктуру и не заражая местность радиацией, состоялись в 1963 году. В настоящее время на вооружении США нейтронного оружия нет.

User rage, 02.12.2010 19:20 (#)

This nasty piece, which also known as enhanced radiation bombs (ERBs).

It was invented by physicist S. Cohen in the early 1970s.The intent of the bomb was to make a "nicer nuke" that did its job of eliminating enemy troops with minimal collateral damage to civilians or infrastructure. This occurs even though, because an ERW explosion is typically about one-tenth as powerful as that of a comparable fission-type atomic bomb because standard thermonuclear weapons create increased explosive yield by capturing their neutron / One can truly rejoice that it has ceased to be relevant today

User rage, 03.12.2010 12:12 (#)

It has also long ceased to be a secret. http://boingboing.net/profits_of_fear.pdf But these links will open exactly
http: / / www.fas.org/search/index.html?cx=011272476961064978591:lx1cammk60s&cof=FORID:11&q=Lost if a neutron bomb relevance # 970 http://www.fas.org/pubs / _docs/OccasionalPaper7.pdf
And there is not the content (which is shown below) in these links. There is other information (it is not very detailed)
There was the W66 warhead, it was produced and deployed in the mid 1970s. And then the W70 Mod 3 warhead was developed for the short-range, and the W79 Mod 0 was developed for artillery shells. The latter two types were retired by President George H. W. Bush in 1992, following the end of the Cold War.The last W70 was not even remotely a "neutron bomb", ie it meant that the W-70 was not a discriminate weapon, like the neutron bomb, about which, incidentally, could be say as a "humane" weapon. This kind of a weapon can hardly be described as very much humane(The neutron bombs are intended to kill soldiers which may be protected by armor. By emitting large amounts of lethal radiation of the most penetrating kind, ER warheads maximize the lethal range of a given yield of nuclear warhead against armored targets. The main problem with using radiation as a tactical anti-personnel weapon is that to bring about rapid incapacitation of the target, a radiation dose that is many times the lethal level must be administered.
). The W-70 Mod 3 warhead was dismantled in 1996. And also the following modification, namely, the W79 Mod 0 was dismantled by 2003, when the dismantling of all W79 variants was completed. It would be better if a neutron bomb would have forever lost the relevance. And may I not continue "this story"? But at least somewhere one can say that the special need in it. It would be better if a neutron bomb would have forever lost the relevance as well as the standard thermonuclear weapons. Today it will be naive to believe that build-up of nuclear arsenal will someone stop...Although until one can say so, yet the dream is not harmful, useful to get ;-)). According to the Cox Report (which was made at the end of the last century): - «China could be able to produce neutron bombs». http://www.fas.org/blog/news/ http:// www.fas.org/press/news/2010/nnsa_plan.html # ssmp

User rage, 03.12.2010 12:42 (#)


User rage, 03.12.2010 19:49 (#)

Well, one can refine the term, which is designated the "standard thermonuclear weapon" in one of my posts ...Thus what does it mean?A neutron bomb contrasts with standard thermonuclear weapons, if one considers the standard thermonuclear weapon, and if one can tell «by using fingers» (ie, as simple as possible,i.e. without formulas and terms), then one must note the following :the standard thermonuclear weapon is designed to capture this intense neutron radiation to increase its overall explosive yield.As mentioned above, ERWs typically produce about one-tenth that of a fission-type atomic weapon. Even with their significantly lower explosive power, ERWs are still capable of much greater destruction than any conventional bomb. Therefore, it should not be considered so too humane. It is still a terribly nasty. . Meanwhile, relative to other nuclear weapons, damage is more focused on biological material than on material infrastructure (though extreme blast and heat effects are not eliminated). Ie best if this horrible filth will never be used ...

Excuse me, but somehow I dont want to write a biography of this distinguished man, and when it comes to cleanliness, the subject is very large. I want to pass this topic in the simplest form ....

User rage, 03.12.2010 19:01 (#)

Well, a small explanation is required to post 2010 16:20

This occurs even though, because an ERW explosion is typically about one-tenth as powerful as that of a comparable fission-type atomic bomb because standard thermonuclear weapons create increased explosive yield by capturing their neutron radiation, i.e. it means follows: - the ERW is a type of nuclear weapon designed specifically to release a large portion of its energy as energetic neutron radiation rather than explosive energy, or rather enhanced radiation (ER) warheads are small thermonuclear weapons in which the burst of neutrons generated by the fusion reaction is intentionally not absorbed inside the weapon, but allowed to escape. If we are talking about the term "enhanced radiation", it refers only to the burst of ionizing radiation released at the moment of detonation Weapons involving fusion were called hydrogen bombs or H-bombs, also a misnomer since their destructive energy comes mostly from fission, not to any enhancement of residual radiation in fallout.
In early news accounts, pure fission weapons were called atomic bombs or A-bombs, a misnomer since the energy comes only from the nucleus of the atom.. Weapons involving fusion were called hydrogen bombs or H-bombs, also a misnomer since their destructive energy comes mostly from fission. The term thermonuclear refers to the high temperatures required to initiate fusion. It ignores the equally important factor of pressure, which was considered secret at the time the term became current.

User rage, 02.12.2010 19:22 (#)

It was beautiful


User rage, 02.12.2010 19:48 (#)

Three types of ERW were built by the USA

If u can not open it, sorry
There's just interesting information about the three types of neutron bombs (or three types of ERW )were built by the U S ...This has long ceased to secret. But it's very naughty «address» ....

User sacramentos, 04.12.2010 12:33 (#)

А куда делся Максим Борисов???

User rage, 05.12.2010 16:18 (#)

I certainly do not know where the Teletubbies Hideo, but

«Генадиевич «делся» сюда» http://trv-science.ru/tag/maksim-borisov/

User rage, 05.12.2010 16:24 (#)

My apologies for the typo:-I mean I dont know where the Teletubbies hide ;-)))) But there is such a publication as "Trv sciencw. ru"

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